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Activities and Priorities (AAP) shows what is the most important now to keep your wellness up and your life balanced and successful.
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Activities and Priorities (AAP) shows what is the most important now to keep your wellness up and your life balanced and successful. There is a proof that it is impossible without an external help because people cannot track more than 7 things simultaneously and the wellness alone usually requires to track more. It can be also proved that if you neglect just one important activity or wellness dimension it eventually provokes the crisis or disorder. Therefore to have the success in life and reduce the stress your life should be balanced. We understand `balance` as `running from one area to another fast enough to spend time in each other on regular basis` (Covey). AAP is the first software life coach with the elements of the artificial intelligence that helps you to keep the balance showing with the color coding and positioning, which your wellness dimensions, life goals or projects receive enough your time and which are dangerously neglected. As different from regular planners and reminders AAP manages your long-time life goals, your core values and most important wellness dimensions, all things that you should do regularly to have the success in life, be happy and healthy. As different from regular time keeping software AAP, like a real coach, implements `fuzzy` human logic. It understands that the small differences in priorities are insignificant and gives you the color coded set, from which you may select what you can do now. It makes you flexible. On the other hands AAP warns you if an activity is dangerously neglected. AAP understands that you cannot remember the spent time exactly and forgives your errors. It understands that you cannot achieve balance in a day if you neglect an activity for years and encourage you just to do it regularly. Like a real person AAP gradually forgets the past but preserves the statistics. AAP requires small time to use (about 5 to 10 minutes a day).
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