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ComponentSet includes JWizardPane, Layout Suite, JDirChooser, JCalendar, JFontChooser, JLinkButton, JSidePane, JSideBar, JStatusBar,
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ComponentSet includes JWizardPane, Layout Suite, JDirChooser, JCalendar, JFontChooser, JLinkButton, JSidePane, JSideBar, JStatusBar, JImageViewer, XTree, XCheckBox, XSeparator, AComboBox, JCardPane, JGridPane.
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 » Home  » Developer Tools » Java (154) Select page: [1] 2 3 4 5 6...
 » Advanced Presentation Tools Collection
Add Powerful presentation functionality to your Web / Intranet pages. With the advanced presentation functionality you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic capabilities bringing your information alive ! These versatile components provide the abil ...
Sirius Computer Consultants Limited | 15 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Unix,Linux,AS/400,OS/2,OS/2 Warp,OS/2 Warp 4,MAC 68k,Mac PPC,OpenVMS,Not Applicable | 399 | Downloads: 786
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » JCavaj Java Decompiler
JCavaj Java Decompiler is a free Java-based Java Decompiler. It reconstructs the original source code from a compiled binary class file. You can decompile java applets, jar and zip files producing accurate java source code. JCavaj runs on any platform wit ...
Sureshot | 800 KB | Windows,Linux,Mac,Unix | 0 | Downloads: 714
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » db4o - database for objects
db4o - database for objects - is a fast client/server Java object database. A footprint of 250 kB saves memory and allows online-download. ACID transactions keep all data safe in case of VM stops. The S.O.D.A. query API let`s you query your data with the ...
db4o | 646 KB | Windows,Dos,Linux,Mac,Unix,Os2 | 0 | Downloads: 697
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Magi Toolkit for Java
The Magi Toolkit for Java provides a collection of components and utility classes for Java developers to make their life easier. Developers can benefit from a range of add-ons, such as Java Swing components and extensions, Collections extensions, utility ...
Magi Systems Pty Ltd | 191 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Unix,Linux | 15 | Downloads: 695
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » JBrowser
JBrowser is a free 100% Java-based Web browser. It is intended to be integrated into an application, but can act as a standalone application. JBrowser is a VERY minimalistic implementation providing only a back and home buttton, address bar and the actual ...
Sureshot | 68 KB | Windows,Linux,Mac,Unix | 0 | Downloads: 692
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Java Help
Java Help is a swift Java API lookup program. Designed to be invoked from a text editor, Java Help lets you search multiple APIs with a single keystroke. Place the cursor on a word you want to search for and press a key; Java Help comes up instantaneously ...
UniBridge Networks | 1047 KB | Windows | 25 | Downloads: 723
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Advanced Tree Explorer
With this feature packed and highly customisable Tree Explorer quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and much more.Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. No knowledge of java programming requir ...
Sirius Computer Consultants Limited | 240 KB | Windows,Dos,Linux,Mac,Unix,Os2 | 23 | Downloads: 821
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Free Fly Animator
Fly Animator is a small application you can use to add custom animations to your Website. It allows you to add one or more text and/or graphics, which it moves within the borders of the Java applet it creates. Define start and final positions, delay befor ...
Mysoft, Inc. | 766 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 0 | Downloads: 725
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Java Class Finder
Did you use a wrong class that packaged in an irrelevant jar file? Are you trying to search a class from many jar files? Java Class Finder is a free, small Java utility tool to search a given class from all jar files that in a selected directory (and subd ...
iDeskSoft | 80 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | | Downloads: 703
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |  » Details
 » Aspose.Excel for Java
Aspose.Excel for Java is a Java spreadsheet creation engine. It can read, modify and write Excel file in different platforms, such as Windows, Linux and Unix. With this component, your Java programs will have the ability to present data in the most popula ...
Aspose Pty Ltd | 828 KB | WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 449 | Downloads: 770
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » CredibleXML 1.5 (Java Edition)
CredibleXML 1.5 (Java Edition) is an IDE that generates Java libraries to parse and transform data into a fully defined XML format. The generated Java object oriented framework gives the programmer easy access to manipulate the resulting XML output. The g ...
Crediware LLC | 4940 KB | Windows | 595 | Downloads: 727
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Java Code Export
Looking for a simple and fast way to indent and export your Java code into various file formats? Look no further than Java Code Export, a unique and easy to use software to quickly and easily reindent, export (10+ formats supported) and print your Java do ...
OverZone Software | 1936 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 633
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |  » Details
 » U-Upload Pro
U-Upload Pro is a file upload applet that runs in a web page. Powered by Unlimited FTP, the>popular Java based FTP applet, U-Upload Pro allows the upload of entire directories, with on the fly ZIP compression. U-Upload Pro allows you to resume broken or c ...
Unlimi-Tech Software inc. | 399 KB | Windows,Linux,Mac,Unix | 449 | Downloads: 678
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Aspose.Pdf for Java
Aspose.Pdf is a Java Pdf component which enables you to write Pdf documents without using Adobe Acrobat. Advanced features are: Document & Page properties, Page Orientation, Color space, Text, Headings, Tables, Images, Hyperlinks, Custom Fonts and Tru ...
Aspose Pty Ltd | 1996 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Unix,Linux,Java | 149 | Downloads: 717
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |  » Details
 » EasyCharts
EasyCharts is a complete library of java charting components, applets, and servlets, that enable programmers to add charts and graphs in java and web applications with just a few lines of code. The library includes bar charts, line charts, and pie charts ...
ObjectPlanet, Inc. | 1634 KB | Windows,Linux,Mac,Unix | 350 | Downloads: 781
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |  » Details
 » 1 Cool Button Tool - Java
Spice up your web-site with animated buttons, menus, navigation schemes and other interactive Java applets using this easy-to-use tool - you can even add sound effects. Just arrange your buttons in a WYSIWYG window, and press `Build Java`, 1 Cool Button T ...
Juice Software | 3739 KB | Windows | 29.95 | Downloads: 894
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Apycom Java Menus and Buttons
Apycom Java Menus and Buttons is a versatile, ready-made solution that allows professional and amateur web developers to create superior navigation systems for their websites and web applications. The collection contains 20 different types of controls tha ...
Apycom Software | 2132 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 29.95 | Downloads: 771
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Java editor
Java editor allows you to edit java code, compile, view errors, run application or applet and much more. ...
Michael Kochiashvili | 263 KB | Windows | 0 | Downloads: 114
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |  » Details
 » ShellBrowser Components for Delphi
Die ShellBrowser Komponenten geben einem Delphi Programmierer einfachen Zugriff auf die Shell Funktionalität von Windows 9x/NT4/2000. Die Komponenten TJamShellList, TJamShellTree und TJamShellCombo sehen aus und verhalten sich exakt wie die entsprechende ...
JAM Software | 3340 KB | Windows | 39 | Downloads: 731
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
 » Advanced Installer for Java
Advanced Installer For Java 1.6 is a Windows Installer authoring tool with built-in support for Java applications, integrating them fully into the Windows OS and making them look and feel just like a native application. Advanced Installer for Java runs on ...
Caphyon LLC | 1517 KB | WinXP,Windows2000 | 149 | Downloads: 815
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |  » Details
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