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FileBoss has the power, flexibility and robust features needed by professionals and demanded by today`s large and intricate file syst
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FileBoss has the power, flexibility and robust features needed by professionals and demanded by today`s large and intricate file systems. It provides the tools that allow you to regain control of your file system. Whether its renaming 1,000`s, replicating a tree structure without its files, copying with graceful error recovery or performing many other tasks, FileBoss performs ordinary, and many not-so-ordinary, jobs in an extra-ordinary fashion. And onscreen results and error windows can keep your informed every step along the way. No longer do you need to have separate, underpowered programs to rename, copy, compare or find files. FileBoss handles it all - and much, much more - with one intuitive interface. And not just one folder at a time: FileBoss can rename, copy, move, drag and drop and perform other operations on thousands of files at once. In addition to extending common Windows Explorer functions so that they are actually useful, FileBoss includes integrated functions that manipulate and change files in one folder, many folders, one a drive, across several drives and even across a network. For example, from renaming one file to renaming thousands across several disks with sophisticated transformations, FileBoss has a facility to make the process quick and easy. Add sequential numbers, delete or change spaces, change case - even to first caps - change names and add file times to names and more. Confirm each or let FileBoss do them all automatically. FileBoss can be easily configured as the default viewer for File Folders allowing it to be displayed when a folder on the Desktop or other folder is double-clicked. But it will never usurp functions you don`t want it to do nor will it create any nasty hooks to mess up your system. With the same familiar interface that is used for other operations FileBoss`s can compare, merge and purge Folders, Paths, Drives and even Network storage areas. Merging can be automatic or highly selective - as suits your needs.
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 » BadCDDVDRecovery
Bad CD/DVD Recovery is the leading data recovery software for CD, DVD. Bad CD/DVD Recovery can effectively recover and rescue corrupted or lost data from damaged, unreadable, formatted or defective disks. Some Situations Where Bad CD/DVD Recovery Can Help ...
JuiceSoft | 4950 KB | Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 19.50 | Downloads: 566
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
 » FlashPhoenix Photo Recovery
Need a sure solution for recovering lost, corrupted or accidentally deleted photographs? FlashPhoenix Photo Recovery is a 100% risk-free application that salvages images from digital cameras or flash memory cards. The program first scans selected storage ...
FlashPhoenix.Com | 825 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 49.50 | Downloads: 550
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Dirlot
The utility shows relative size of all elements (both files and directories) in a directory on disk using columnar diagram. It allows you quickly to estimate how many space a file or subdirectory occupies on parent directory and how space is distributed a ...
Olexandr Lykho | 21 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000 | 0 | Downloads: 580
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Backup Wolf
Backup Wolf Data Defense : The Surgical Backup / Recovery Software System: Easily create Backup Profiles that target any file or folder on your computer. Then with one click of a button your files are backed up and safe. Quickly recover from file corrupti ...
Lone Wolf Software | 5215 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 29.95 | Downloads: 583
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Total Commander
Total Commander (former Wincmd) is an Explorer replacement for Windows. This is the 32 bit version for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, and XP. A 16 bit version is also available as Total Commander handles archives like subdirectories. It supports ...
C. Ghisler & Co. | 1574 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 34 | Downloads: 570
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Deletor
Deletor helps you reduce the clutter in your disks and other storage media by deleting files and folders corresponding to your criteria. The application includes a shredding feature to destroy sensitive documents and make them virtually impossible to reco ...
Basta Computing, Inc. | 447 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000 | 15.00 | Downloads: 553
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Defragmenter Pro
Defragmenter Lite/Pro is a utility to automate the necessary steps for an efficient and problem-free disk defrag. Does your screen saver interfere when you defrag your hard disks? Does “Drive`s content changed: restarting ...” sound familiar? Does “ ...
ABEXO | 752 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000 | 25 | Downloads: 523
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Disk Repair Software
Disk Repair is a logical bad sector removal and repair software that removes the logical bad sectors and repairs ` Track 0 Bad Disks `. Bad sectors are a major problem in hard disks, which are found to be mainly logical in nature. Computer companies usual ...
Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd. | 4506 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 134 | Downloads: 519
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
 » Code
Mit diesem einfach zu bedienenden Verschlüsselungsprogramm können einzelne Strings, aber auch ganze Dateien kodiert / dekodiert werden. Die Zeichenfolgen werden dabei zeilenweise in Ziffernfolgen umgewandelt, welche nur mit der verwendeten Key-Zahl wieder ...
Andreas Breitschopp | 629 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | | Downloads: 567
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Easy SFX
Easy SFX creates a unique DOS self extracting file which is also a customised installation routine. The SFX which it creates offers the user a default directory to install to and allows him to change this. It then extracts your program including any direc ...
Easy Software Ltd | 200 KB | Dos | | Downloads: 512
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » ExamDiff Pro
ExamDiff Pro provides a simple means of performing visual text and binary file and folder comparisons in Windows. It`s attractive, easy to use, and offers the tools you need to do the job quickly and thoroughly. It features a double-pane view that allows ...
PrestoSoft | 1745 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 35 | Downloads: 561
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
 » WinNc 3000 Professional
WinNc has all the makings of an excellent replacement for Windows Explorer. It features an attractive, independent double-pane view (selecting a path or file in one pane has no effect on the other) and offers drag-and-drop support for moving files between ...
Dunes MultiMedia | 6089 KB | Windows | 20 | Downloads: 520
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » UFS Explorer Professional Recovery
UFS Explorer Professional Recovery is fast and comprehensive data recovery and undelete program for most used file systems with broken RAID arrays recovery support. With UFS Explorer Professional Recovery you may: - Recover files from most used file syste ...
SysDevSoftware | 1580 KB | Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 69.95 | Downloads: 906
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » PDF Stamp (PDF Watermark)
PDF Stamp (PDF Watermark) is an advanced product that enables you to stamp content into a PDF document. Besides images, texts and graphics, PDF Stamp is able to add links and notes. These processes can be realized in a determined number of pages with prec ... Inc | 1088 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 38 | Downloads: 541
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » CD Catalog Expert
CD Catalog Expert is a cataloging tool for organizing all kinds of your media collection, including files, folders, CD/DVDs, Movies, MP3s, hard disks, network drives and multifarious removable disks, etc. It helps you to easily view and find all necessary ...
Zero2000 Software | 1484 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate | 29.95 | Downloads: 553
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
 » Floppy Remote Drive Disabler
Allows you to easily enable or disable floppy drives on your Windows 2000, 2003, or XP systems - across your LAN ...
IntelliNavigator, Inc | 987 KB | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | | Downloads: 496
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
 » Advanced File Manager
This file and disk management and reporting toolbox allows you to manage and monitor disk space on your network computers and servers. It indicates the size of each folder on your local, network and removable drives without clicking property pages. Advanc ...
AdvexSoft LLC | 3305 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 24.99 | Downloads: 614
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Flash Renamer
Flash Renamer is a time saver for people with large amounts of files, eg digital camera owners, webmasters & media collectors (music/images/movies). It renames many files at once, so called batch or bulk renaming. With Flash Renamer you can automate thous ...
RL Vision | 2223 KB | Windows | 14.95 | Downloads: 538
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Data Wipe Software by Unistal
Concept : Sensitive/Critical/Confidential files are always present on the disk. Even if they are deleted from the recycled bin, experts like us can retrieve them. Thus data can be recovered even if the disk has been formatted!!! Scop of Work : To delete f ...
Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd. | 2048 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 35 | Downloads: 498
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » DDFileCatcher
Copy file names and much other file infomation to the Clipboard, and into Microsoft Word tables and Excel spreadsheets. DDFileCatcher catches files, shortcuts or folders dropped onto it from programs such as Windows Explorer, My Computer or Windows dialog ...
Robinmatch Limited | 2274 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows CE | 29.95 | Downloads: 506
Date added: Feb 14, 2007 |  » Details
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