`Hello World` is the first program one usually writes when learning a new programming language. Do you have any ActiveX on the C++ wi
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`Hello World` as ActiveX with source FREE DOWNLOAD
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`Hello World` is the first program one usually writes when learning a new programming language. Do you have any ActiveX on the C++ without ATL and MFC? I wrote this template for you. You can make DLL with your ActiveX and use its.
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Magic Photo Creator
Magic Photo Creator is a fun software that allows you to create professional looking image blending effects. You can insert faces into provided templates, put your face on a dollar bill, make James Bond look like your sister, put grandma in a space suite ...
ZeallSoft | 5752 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 29.95 | Downloads: 666
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Complete bank manager/editor for the Roland XP-30/50/60/80 series of music workstations and the Roland JV-1010/1080/2080 sound modules. Convenient, Explorer-like interface. Works with Performances, Patches, Rhythm Sets, Parts, Tones and Rhythm Parts. Supp ...
Cruquius Soft | 298 KB | Windows | 19.00 | Downloads: 722
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Whizlabs OCP 9i (1Z0-031) Kit
Ensure your success in OCP 9i DBA (1Z0-031) exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unique and Industry-best `Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee`, the kit contains 5 full length simulated mock exams and interactive quiz (over 400 questions) on t ...
Whizlabs Software | 4587 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 59.95 | Downloads: 723
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
CCNA-Exam Simulator
These Q A Exam simulator cover everything you need for securing 100% Pass guarantee in the exams of international certification courses. They provide in-depth coverage of every CCNA ,CCNP, SUN and MCSE etc.. exam objective , hundreds of challenging review ...
IP Networks Software Solutions | 1 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | | Downloads: 709
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
MathMatic Junior Edition
Mathmatic is a program for learning and drilling multiplication tables 1 through 12. It is dedicated to that unique task and it does it thoroughly. MathMatic generates and PRINTS DRILL SHEETS. The user can choose between Mental and Written learning modes ...
Codexcel - Tailored Software | 1700 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows CE | 0.00 | Downloads: 691
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Scales for guitar
Decide what style interests you, and take advice from your teacher . Finding a teacher should not be difficult. Some people manage to teach themselves on folk and electric guitar . Instruments are fairly cheap to buy and maintain . Folk-style is easy to l ...
Flash Music games | 45 KB | Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003,MAC 68k,Mac PPC,Mac OS X,Mac Other | 0 | Downloads: 661
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Planet`s Orbits
Planet`s Orbits (for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP) is an accurate digital orrery with a wealth of functionality. The program uses the DE404 ephemeris (accurate for dates between 2000 B.C. and 6000 AD) for the calculation of planetary (except Pluto) and lunar pos ...
alcyone software | 15614 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP | 25 | Downloads: 682
Date added: Oct 25, 2007 |
GEOPosCalc is one of these tools who has to be always two clicks of distance of any amateur user or professional who deals with positions, both in latitude longitude or UTM formats. Also for those who need to convert from different datums in order to use ...
American Outland | 4299 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 40 | Downloads: 734
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Mit diesem Schreib-Trainer können Sie das Schreiben im 10-Finger-System von Grund auf erlernen. Es sind 5 völlig verschiedene Übungsformen enthalten ("Textvorgabe am Bildschirm", "Leuchttastei", "Laufschrift" und "Abschr ...
Andreas Breitschopp | 833 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | | Downloads: 695
Date added: Oct 25, 2007 |
True Study Skills
Practice inquiry learning and metacognitive skills. Knowledge and Judgment. Write, review, game and test at five levels of thinking. Instructions and sample data are built in. Students author report/review test bank files. Score as alternative assessments ...
Nine-Patch Software | 354 KB | Windows | | Downloads: 716
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
CFB Primes
CFB Primes is an optimised PalmOS program which can find the prime factors and closest primes of any integer number up to one billion (US) in a few seconds or less. The standard edit menu allows you to make use of the results in other applications. CFB Pr ...
CFB Software | 5 KB | Palm OS 3.0,Palm OS 3.1,Palm OS 3.2 | 0 | Downloads: 498
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Europe! Macintosh
Package of fast paced and challenging European geography games including countries, capitals, major exports and geographical features. Used in schools and homes around the world; geography scores improve rapidly. Serves as level one for the worldwide vers ...
Torpedo Software | 440 KB | Mac | 0 | Downloads: 705
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Homework sucks. We know. That`s what made us decide to create eWork, the first program of its kind. Say goodbye to bad homework and hello to eWork. Contains hundreds of homework resources, and a built-in essay search. Check out the other features: - Notes ...
eConcept Software | 778 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 0.00 | Downloads: 686
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
How to play the guitar Vol1
This volume is written for beginners. It attempts to recreate the `atmosphere` of a private guitar lesson. Based on experience gained by the author in teaching the guitar at this level, the lessons cover the common mistakes encounted by most students eg p ...
Terre Mouvante Cie | 1369 KB | Windows | 21.95 | Downloads: 676
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Internet Math
480 math word problems covering grades 1-8 are solved over the internet. Problems are generated with random numbers and solved using pictures. Each problem`s picture solution changes to correspond to the random numbers generated. This insures that student ...
Veenetronics Corporation | 1500 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 3.99 | Downloads: 685
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
QARi Demo
QARi is a unique and pioneering product in many ways. It provides upto approx. 60 hours of exceptional quality sound of an entire Qur`anic recitation on a Single, self-contained software CD! - 50% of the profit is donated to Charity (See website). Compact ...
DivineIslam | 2775 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 0 | Downloads: 705
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
SmartBroker Pro
SmartBroker identifies stock opportunities, by defining market trends, and announcing which stocks are about to fall, and which are about to rise BEFORE they move. Manages Quote Downloading, Price & Volume Trend Analysis, Market Phase Identifier, Buy ...
SmartBroker Pro | 4611 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Unix,Linux | 239 | Downloads: 676
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Zdenka: ein sprechendes Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch mit der Such- und Übersetzungsfunktion und mit mehr als 100 000 Wörter. Alle Texte können vorgelesen und als Klangdateien abgespeichert werden! Wenn Sie auf Lippensymbol klicken ...
Mario Krsnic | 5120 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 3 | Downloads: 730
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
GRE-AT! Verbal Warfare!
GRE-AT! Verbal Warfare! is intended for the average GRE taker or vocabulary builder to enjoy learning new words. Its aesthetic appeal and user-friendly features make studying for the examination both stimulating and fun. It provides a set of five tables ( ...
Techotek Incorporated | 4954 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000 | | Downloads: 643
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
XCBA Route Planner
What is XCBA Route Planner? Production of a passage plan prior to departure is a legal requirement. Route Planner assists in the preparation of passage plans by allowing you to prepare, calculate and print full featured passage plan. A very quick and easy ...
XCBA Inc. | 36189 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 19.95 | Downloads: 695
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
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