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LavaMind Study Center for SAT, PSAT, ACT FREE DOWNLOAD
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Welcome to LavaMind Study Center. Whether you are already taking a prep course for the SAT I, SAT II, PSAT or ACT exams or studying on your own, we have designed a program that will help you to improve your score and test-taking skills. The Study Center is packed with tutorials and test-taking advice. Taking any exam is a challenge, but there are many things you can do to improve your results. We have done extensive research and compiled what we deem to be some of the best strategies and methods for boosting your test scores. Our aim is to provide you with a deep understanding of how standardized exams tend to function and are structured. If you master the basic rules that we have laid out, you will be able to approach your exam with greater confidence and a solid foundation to build upon.
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WinBasics Tutorial
Here is a free ebook on Windows basics. The idea is to deal with practical aspects of using Windows rather than discuss the mundane stuff. Knowing Windows does not mean that you have to know all there is to know about the control panel, device manager, an ...
AvniTech Solutions | 784 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 0 | Downloads: 612
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Personaemicon is a nice and simple program which you can use to know a great deal of facts about person`s names. It can be used to enter a name and its meaning comes up, or to enter a meaning and first names with that meaning will be displayed. You can al ...
Pantera Designs | 2753 KB | Windows | 0 | Downloads: 663
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets for Great Sex - Try tip #10 - Be Sure to Surprise. You want to make your sex life exciting. You want to make it hot. Mind-blowing. Perhaps you want to have it more often. We have more sex tips than ANY OTHER PLACE! Best-s ...
Advanced Systems | 73 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 29 | Downloads: 528
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
True Study Skills
Practice inquiry learning and metacognitive skills. Knowledge and Judgment. Write, review, game and test at five levels of thinking. Instructions and sample data are built in. Students author report/review test bank files. Score as alternative assessments ...
Nine-Patch Software | 354 KB | Windows | | Downloads: 716
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Classroom Spy Professional
The Classroom Spy Professional allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse ...
EduIQ.com | 3381 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 49.95 | Downloads: 769
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Word Of The Day
Find some quiet time for yourself every day and LISTEN to and LEARN something new! Vocabulary and historical events for each day! Five very interesting sections: quote of the day, article of the day, today`s birthday, this day in history and of course wor ...
KlangoGames.com | 6369 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 684
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Leadership Training
Virtual Leader, using the SimuLearn Interpersonal Skills Engine, provides leadership training that leverages the true power of game-based learning. Characters can be tailored: to respond in a fashion that is more in keeping with your organization`s cultur ...
Simulearn Inc | 16149 KB | WinXP,Windows2000 | 49 | Downloads: 678
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Whizlabs SCEA Preparation Kit
Ensure your success in SCEA exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unique and Industry-best `Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee`, the kit contains 9 full length simulated mock exams and interactive quiz (over 430 questions) on the real exam pat ...
Whizlabs Software | 4741 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 89.95 | Downloads: 725
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Mimosa Scheduling Software
Mimosa is a general school schedule and course planning software application for use in any kind of school and university of varying type and size. It is also used to schedule conferences and work-shifts in business and industry environments. The applicat ...
Mimosa Software Ltd. | 2472 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 704
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
IrrTrainer is an easy to use innovative program to learn English irregular verbs. It is FREEWARE (for private use) and runs on Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This program is a tool to support the training of irregular english verbs. It makes use of predefined ...
Jeeling | 401 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 10 | Downloads: 705
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Whizlabs UML Certification Kit
Ensure your success in IBM UML Certification exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unique and Industry-best `Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee`, the kit contains 5 full length simulated mock exams and interactive quiz (over 380 questions) on ...
Whizlabs Software | 8335 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 89.95 | Downloads: 689
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
GEOPosCalc is one of these tools who has to be always two clicks of distance of any amateur user or professional who deals with positions, both in latitude longitude or UTM formats. Also for those who need to convert from different datums in order to use ...
American Outland | 4299 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 40 | Downloads: 734
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
SW for the Chicago Manual of Style
Chicago Manual of Style citations and cover page formatting adheres to the 15th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and the Sixth Edition of Kate Turabian’s Style Manual. Cover pages even remember information like your name, school and courses to mak ...
Xumbrus, LLC. | 6899 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Linux,Mac OS 9,Mac OS X,Mac OS X 10.1,Mac OS X 10.2,Mac OS X 10.3,Mac OS X 10.4,Mac OS X 10.5 | 24.95 | Downloads: 667
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Backup Made Easy
Kevin J. Vella was an ordinary, hardworking student at Graduate Business School when disaster struck - caused by the failure to backup his system. Read how he coped and what he learned, and how you can avoid a similar catastrophe. E-book illustrated with ...
Clarkscript | 2255 KB | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 906
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Zdenka: ein sprechendes Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch mit der Such- und Übersetzungsfunktion und mit mehr als 100 000 Wörter. Alle Texte können vorgelesen und als Klangdateien abgespeichert werden! Wenn Sie auf Lippensymbol klicken ...
Mario Krsnic | 5120 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 3 | Downloads: 730
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Primary 1 Test Papers
This program is designed for students aged 7 in Primary 1, covers the English and Maths subjects. There are over 1500 challenging quizzes in various topics to practise on. Questions are modelled closely to primary education curriculum. All test papers com ...
Bettergrades | 2295 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 14.90 | Downloads: 651
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
Happy Note! Sing `n Learn Treble Clef ABC
From 2 to 17 different notes in Treble Clef, 32 free music reading lessons in alphabetical notation system (A B C...), to learn at your own pace. Hear and sing (or read) the notes at the same time! Each lesson features 5 different tempos and the color not ...
Happy Note! | 600 KB | Windows | 0 | Downloads: 664
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Talking Maritime Encyclopedia
You have always been fascinated by the seas and the ships. You have always wanted to know more about them. Know all about the seas and ships and know it best. Hear from the TALKING MARITIME ENCYCLOPEDIA. ...
SEAWISDOM | 15074 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 19.95 | Downloads: 696
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
TypingMaster Pro typing tutor
What if you could write your emails and reports with ease and in half the time? Learn to touch type and you can! With TypingMaster typing tutor, you will learn to type fast without typos and save dozens of valuable working hours every year. Better typing ...
TypingMaster Inc. | 4535 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 39.90 | Downloads: 1448
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
China Business Laws and Regulations
This book is designed for people who are doing business or interested to do business with or within China. We have carefully selected the latest and essential laws and regulations related to foreign entities doing business within China and with Chinese en ...
Javvin Company | 4000 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 169.95 | Downloads: 586
Date added: Feb 12, 2007 |
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