What is Perimon? Perimon is a contraception and family planning system that is easy to use and reliable. Perimon is a cycle monitor w
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Perimon - Natural Family Planning FREE DOWNLOAD
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What is Perimon? Perimon is a contraception and family planning system that is easy to use and reliable. Perimon is a cycle monitor which gives you insight into your cycle. It was designed and made in Germany For whom is Perimon? Perimon is made for women from 18 to 45 years, who ... - are interested in simple and time-effective natural birth control, - appreciate an open system that can be modulated to their individual needs, - want to perceive the various cyclic changes in their body Is birth control with Perimon safe? It is. If you use Perimon only with the rhythm method, we estimate the Pearl index to 4.5 (a good safety). If you additionally examine your mucus or cervix - which is easy to do - safety will increase up to 1.0 (details on our web site) Why is Perimon freeware? The online version of Perimon isn`t free of charge. Only Perimon DOS is free of charge because its user surface is out of date (operation without mouse and graphics) advantages of Perimon: - easy to use (no daily measurements necessary) - free of charge, no current expenses - Birth control with Perimon is natural and has no side effects - Perimon helps you to better get to know your body and its cycle - after finishing the initial phase Perimon gives a clear survey about your current and the passed cycles and your fertility - for many Perimon is an ancilla for contraception without hormones disadvantages of Perimon: - without additional determination of the ovulation, max. 12.5 days are designated for unprotected intercourse - for the remaining days other methods of contraception have to be used - people who think a contraception safety of 4.5 Pearl index is not sufficient `have to` additionally observe their mucus or cervical texture - first forecasts after 3-4 cycles A MODERN VERSION OF PERIMON CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.NATUERLICHE-VERHUETUNG.DE
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Kathleen Barton | 964 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows CE | 24.95 | Downloads: 640
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
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