Spam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics. Our program
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Spam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics. Our program keeps a report of what it finds so that you know why an e-mail has been deemed as spam. . If Spam Sleuth determines an e- mail is spam, it yanks it out of the e-mail server, compresses it so that it takes as little space as possible on your computer, and keeps a report with the suspect e- mail. When your e-mail program gets your e- mail, the spam has already been removed and you can read your e- mail the same way you always have, but without sorting through the junk e-mail to find the gems. Spam Sleuth is the best of the best and gives you control to customize the program to your liking. Spam Sleuth uses a point system to eliminate spam. Spam Sleuth`s analyzers: Friends, Spammers,To, Goodwords, Badwords, Profanity, Subject, Attachments, Charsets, HTML Volume, etc. looks at an e- mail a different way and assigns points. The more points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is to be deemed as spam. The less points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is a real gem. E-mail Stamps: You can charge senders a fee to send you e-mail. When Spam Sleuth deems an e-mail message as spam an email sent back to the sender requiring them to pay a fee via PayPal before their message will be sent through to your inbox. (That`s right, you make the spammers pay you to send junk e-mail.) Turing Test: Similar to Email stamps, except that you don’t collect money. The turning test sends an email back to the sender and requires them to enter a validation code in order for Spam Sleuth to allow email messages through to your inbox. (Great way to know if you`re dealing with a mindless machine or a real human on the other end.) Bayesian Analysis: Looks at your previous e-mail and learns the characteristics of spam and good e-mail. Just like a baby, it needs to be taught right from wrong. By marking your messages as Good or Spam, and the
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Internet & Networking
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Fast Email Verifier
Fast Email Verifier quickly and easily verifies email addresses in databases, address books, spreadsheets or any other mailing list. The product is based on the latest .Net technology and can find approximately 85% of your dead email addresses. There is n ...
Lencom software inc | 976 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 139 | Downloads: 636
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
Email Announcer
Email Announcer brings several new features to Microsoft Outlook. With Email Announcer installed you never have to stop what you`re doing to see what just popped into your inbox. Every time you receive a new email, reminder, task, meeting request, or read ...
Blind Bat Software | 8680 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows 2000, WinXP | 19.95 | Downloads: 614
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
GoMail Subscription Manager
Manage subscription or unsubscription by email subject. GoMail Subscription Manager works seemlessly within Microsoft Outlook2000/2002 as a toolbar. It lets you monitor the InBox for particular subject line and automatically save/remove the sender`s email ...
ExecuteIT | 2870 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 34.95 | Downloads: 565
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Mailbox Guard
The ultimate tool which lets you fight the cyberscam arriving in emails BEFORE it gets in to your PC. It is effective weapon against SPAM, malware (including viruses, worms, and spyware) and obscenity. Background: The major flaw and immediate cause of mos ...
Piotr J. Walczak | 495 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 29.50 | Downloads: 626
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
S-Mail Agent is a one-step email encryption plug-in for any email software such as MS Outlook, Eudora, Mozilla, Outlook Express, Pegasus, TheBat!, Netscape Mail, etc. Email programs like Outlook are fast and easy-to-use, but they have one serious drawback ...
Network Research Lab, Ltd. | 647 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | | Downloads: 679
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Email Newsletter Software
The Newsletter script makes your communication with your customers more productive. Fully featured online and email management system. Main features: personalized emails templates, subscription form, confirmation email, and member management. Create multi ...
Pilot Group Ltd | 2896 KB | Win98,WinXP,Windows2000,Unix,Linux | 99.00 | Downloads: 554
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Spam Bully 3 for Outlook
Outlook Bayesian spam filter intelligently keeps your Inbox spam free. Easy to use toolbar. Allow or block email addresses, IP`s, words/phrases you choose. Block spam by country and language. Bounce spam back to spammers. Report spammers to their hosts an ...
Spam Bully | 3928 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP | 29.95 | Downloads: 621
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
UliCampaigner Pro
Ulices Information Systems LLC announces the release of UliCampaigner Pro 2.0.0, a full-featured, web based eCampaign management program targeted at business users who seek the integration of a powerful eMarketing tool into their website. UliCampaigner co ...
Ulices Information Systems LLC | 1027 KB | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Unix,Linux | 169.00 | Downloads: 622
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
MERCUR Messaging
MERCUR Messaging 2005 is a full featured SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 server for Windows NT, 2000 and XP platforms. It offers the necessary features to provide an efficient and effective communications medium. These include Security features using IP Firewall, check o ...
atrium software international | 11513 KB | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 237 | Downloads: 596
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Antispam software 100% effective in spam removal. If you’re not satisfied with moving your real messages to the top, or ISP antispam email filters that remove good mail along with the bad (spam), then use JunkIt it`s free. ...
ITS Systems | 1878 KB | Windows | 15 | Downloads: 598
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Email Abuse Analysis Solution for ISPs. Identifies the originating source of email abuse complaints extremely quickly, and allows you to immediately contact the originating customer and take appropriate action. AbusePipe is the ONLY system that deals with ...
DataMystic | 3783 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 3990 | Downloads: 639
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
POPcon connects MS Exchange Server(tm) to POP3 mailboxes. It acts as an e-mail gateway that retrieves messages from POP3 mailboxes and delivers them to your Microsoft Exchange Server mailboxes according to the intended user found in the mails. ...
Christensen Software | 2842 KB | Windows | 59.00 | Downloads: 617
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express
A free Bayesian spam filtering plug-in for Outlook Express. Stops over 97% of spam. ...
Digital Turtlets | 2660 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | | Downloads: 567
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
Scylla is a spam complaining tool that not only finds who sent you unsolicited e-mail, but also complains to his Internet Service Provider, US Federal Trade Commission and add his mail server to ORDB database. ...
Mondor Software | 711 KB | Windows | 5 | Downloads: 593
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
ADX Toys 2 OL
ADX Toys 2 OL is a COM add-in that adds several useful features to Microsoft Outlook (see screenshot). The add-in is based on Add-in Express 2 technology ( and designed to show you how to create add-ins, how to manage add-in ...
Afalina Co., Ltd. | 780 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | | Downloads: 885
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
E.Box is a professional e-mail accounts management tool allowing you to preview your>mailbox on the server prior to downloading messages from the server. E.Box shows all>mail headers and detailed information on each. E.Box also has a powerfull built in>fi ...
JPSoft DK | 858 KB | Windows | 25.00 | Downloads: 589
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Atomic Outlook Email Extractor
The extension for Atomic E-mail Logger is an Outlook email address extractor. It also supports Outlook Express, Eudora, IncrediMail and The Bat. It works very fast and easy. Just launch the program, open `File / Plugins / Mailbox Hunter` menu and a new sm ...
AtomPark Software | 1550 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 34.85 | Downloads: 713
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Live Email Verifier
Email Verifier quickly and easily verifies email addresses. Email Verfier removes invalid, not existed and dupicate emails. Features: 1. Very Fast: check 50 000 emails per hour 2. Huge Mailing Lists : 1 000 000 email addresses and more 3. Support import f ...
Live Software Inc | 1250 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Home Basic x64,Windows Vista Home Premium x64,Windows | 14.95 | Downloads: 613
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
Global EMailer
Global EMailer is a useful tool that allows users to send email messagesdirectly to the recipients mail servers (not using ISP`s SMTP server). Whoeverneeds to manage huge mailing lists will find Global Emailer to be of great help.Global Extractor is a use ...
NetPromoter Lab | 5135 KB | Windows | 89 | Downloads: 596
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
Spam Trapper for Outlook
(*) Spam Trapper is a multilevel spam filter for Microsoft Outlook version 2000 and later. It is a plug-in component with clear convenient interface. (*) The first level checks your address book and validates all letters from your clients. So letters from ...
Brigsoft | 493 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 19 | Downloads: 604
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |
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