eBook that teaches the most effective program for natural penis enlargement. Penis is made up of 3 main areas, 2 large chambers on th
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eBook that teaches the most effective program for natural penis enlargement. Penis is made up of 3 main areas, 2 large chambers on the top (The technical term for this is the Corpora Cavernosa) and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom (the Corpus Spongiosum). When we gain an erection, the penis fills with blood, filling these three chambers. The Corpus Spongiosum is the chamber used mainly when we urinate and ejaculate. The Corpora Cavernosa however, is the main blood holding chamber of the penis. This is where 90% of all blood is retained each and every time we gain an erection. Penis size is limited in both length and width, by the maximum in which the Corpora Cavernosa can fill with blood. Simply put, this means it is impossible for penis to get bigger by itself, as the blood which fills the penis is already filling the maximum size of the Corpora Cavernosa. Penis enlargement exercises are designed to break down the cell walls of the Corpora Cavernosa by forcing blood into them, each time this stretches the cells larger than normal. The penis then repairs itself by growing these cells back, larger and stronger each time, this allows the penis to hold more blood which expands the erectile tissue and over the course of a few weeks, results in a larger, stronger and fitter penis. Penis is like any other part of the body, as it can be exercised and developed substantially larger and stronger than it presently is. Exercising Corpora Cavernosa will allow it to retain more blood as it develops larger and stronger. If we worked out at the gym on a regular basis, we would expect to gain muscle growth. The same principle applies for the penis. Using exercises and techniques on a regular basis, we can develop our penises and achieve substantial growth, ability and strength.
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