Computer Home therapy has made the PC into an excellent tool for therapy. This stress therapy program uses light and sound which mean
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Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003
4793 KB
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Sep 19, 2005
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Computer Home therapy has made the PC into an excellent tool for therapy. This stress therapy program uses light and sound which means visual stimulation through the use of pictures, colors, and live imagery (music and narration from therapists). Begin the therapy now with this two week trial version. These techniques have been researched over the past ten years in Israel. The shareware version can be upgraded to the full version for $35 payment to PayPal. The founder of Computer Home Therapy is David Wexelman BA, (accredited) MSW, and Ph.D. (non-accredited) in Pastoral Counseling who runs the Jerusalem Free Clinic and School of Healing.
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Subliminal messages
Subliminal messages can help you in reaching your ideal weight, in stopping your bad habits, like smoking and drinking, in achieving good results in your business, in love and in your sexual life. We recommend you to use these example subliminal messages ...
Subliminal Message, Inc | 305 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 655
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)
Body Mass Index is a measure of your weight relative to your height. BMI for adults falls into one of these categories: normal, overweight, obese, or underweight. BMI Calculator lets you calculate your Body Mass Index without learning any math formulas. T ...
Actabit Weight Loss | 640 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 19.95 | Downloads: 643
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
NutriGenie South Beach Diet Counter
The perfect companion to the South Beach Diet Cookbook and other South Beach diet publications. The software automatically analyzes your food consumption taking into account all nutritional data relevant to the South Beach diet: calories, carbohydrate, pr ...
NutriGenie | 1700 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 39.00 | Downloads: 608
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
axSoft Speech corrector
Speech corrector can be used by people who have stuttering problem to control their fluency. It provides DAF (delayed auditory feedback) method. That method has been applied in the therapy of stuttering people for a long time. Numerous studies have shown ...
axSoft Laboratories | 703 KB | Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP,Unix | 25 | Downloads: 677
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
Home Audiometer
The Home Audiometer Hearing Test turns your PC into a machine that can test your hearing at home through standard headphones. This test gives a very good indication if there is a hearing problem or not and how severe it might be and is much more accurate ...
Timo Esser | 654 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 30.00 | Downloads: 257
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
Diet Spread
Diet Spread is a lightweight spreadsheet/database. The database accepts nutritional values from your food labels. The spreadsheet displays, summarizes, and prints the nutrient values using convenient household measures. ...
Standard Procedures | 1188 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 19.95 | Downloads: 636
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |
NutriGenie Optimal Nutrition
NutriGenie Optimal Nutrition for Windows is simply the most remarkable nutrition software on the market. In a single program, user can evaluate his daily nutrition based on any of the following diet guidelines:- The Food Guide Pyramid Nutrition, - The Ame ...
NutriGenie | 1600 KB | Windows | 49.00 | Downloads: 646
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
My Blood Pressure
My Blood Pressure is software that: 1) Reminds you to take a blood pressure reading. 2) Records and charts readings from your home monitor. 3) Prints a report for your doctor. Use My Blood Pressure to get the most out of your home blood pressure monitor. ... | 2227 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000 | 19.95 | Downloads: 623
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
BeyondStuttering - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace
Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Imagine life with more inner peace. What would that be like? Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to learn, do, teach ...
InnerPeace.Org | 10 KB | Win3.1x, Win95, Win98, WinNT4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, WindowsCE, Unix, Linux, OS/2, MAC68k, MacPPC, PalmOS3.0 | 0 | Downloads: 698
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
Subliminal message software
New version! Extra-effective subliminal-messaging time intervals and more than 300 predefined subliminals in 30 categories. Doesn`t slow down system. Software doesn`t require .NET Framework anymore. ...
Subliminal Message | 409 KB | WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 19.95 | Downloads: 648
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
Homeopathy software is an educational tool with free upgrades for registered owners. The information included with the shareware version of Homeopathy can be extended with your own list of homeopathic remedies, symptoms and afflictions. The data bank of o ...
Zentrum Publishing | 7130 KB | Win95,98,WinME,WinNT4.x,Windows2000, XP | 16.00 | Downloads: 654
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
Women's Health Troubleshooter
Women`s Health Troubleshooter allows estimating the probability of disorders in female patients, based on a set of answers to Yes/No questions. This is very useful in cases where there is no opportunity to use medical equipment/tests to diagnose a disorde ...
AdvMathAppl | 111 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 15.95 | Downloads: 660
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
UTS Blood Pressure for Palm OS
UTS Blood Pressure (UTS BP) is the Palm OS software, that tracks your blood pressure and pulse. High blood pressure is a serious condition, which often has no symptoms. Once high blood pressure occurs, it usually lasts a lifetime. But by taking action, yo ... LLC | 1139 KB | Palm OS 3.0,Palm OS 3.1,Palm OS 3.2 | 9.95 | Downloads: 584
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
NutriGenie Expert Nutritionist
Comprehensive nutrition software for those who need to monitor their diet, whether for weight control or managing a diabetic diet. This program will save you many hours of tedious planning and record keeping. New and unique features to organize food datab ...
NutriGenie | 900 KB | Windows | 39.00 | Downloads: 619
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
Subliminal Hypnosis
Control everything in your life with this subliminal software- your health, your emotions, your menthal state. Subliminal messages are helpful for quick weight loss, for acne treatment, for building your self-esteem, for controlling your inner menthal pro ...
Subliminal Messages | 500 KB | WinME,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 29.95 | Downloads: 632
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
NextUp Talker
NextUp Talker is a Text To Speech application specifically designed for people who have temporarily or permanently lost their voice. With natural, human sounding voices and convenient shortcuts to quickly enter commonly used sentences and phrases, NextUp ... | 5339 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 99.95 | Downloads: 670
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
How To Have Good Health Naturally With Herbs
Good health can now be at your fingertips with complete illustrated herb information of medicinal uses, medicinal actions, preparation instructions, propagation and cultivation, recipes, formulas, and dosages. ...
Kathleen Barton | 964 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows CE | 24.95 | Downloads: 640
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |
HealthWatch Pro
HealthWatch Pro is a health data analysis and management system for health professionals in clinical and research settings. 1)Easy-to-use: The application`s pleasing, intuitive interface allows you to input information such as your name, age, gender, weig ...
BV Tech Inc | 2515 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 50.00 | Downloads: 675
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
DAF/FAF Assistant for Windows
DAF/FAF Assistant can be used by people who have stuttering problem to control their speech fluency, increase their confidence level and develop carryover fluency when techniques are used on a regular basis. Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) delays your voi ...
ArtefactSoft | 686 KB | Win95,Win98,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003 | 29.95 | Downloads: 849
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
Exertrack Exercise Podcasts MP3 exercise instruction-Advanced
Exertrack Exercise Podcasts is a great way to learn how to exercise. Build your exercise routines, download them to your iPod, cellular phone or pocketpc device (anything that can play MP3`s or Podcasts), take your Exertrack Exercise Podcasts to gym with ...
Exertrack | 20676 KB | Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows CE,Palm OS 5,Pocket PC,MAC 68k,Mac PPC,Mac OS X,Mac Other | 0 | Downloads: 605
Date added: Feb 13, 2007 |
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