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Komplette Auftragsabwicklung vom Angebot bis zur Mahnung mit umfangreichen Statistikfunktionen und natürlich einer Rechtschreibprüfung. Dazu eine integrierte Geburtstagsverwaltung mit Bild und Ton. Neu sind Artikelanalyse und Vertreter- Gebiets- und Branchenstatistik mit entsprechenden Auswertungen Das Programm beherrscht vom einfachen Brief über Serienbrief alle Funktionen die ein Büroalltag fordert. Das Programm sucht Ihnen zum Beispiel für eine unvollständige Privatadresse die eventuell vorhandene Firmenadresse als Ersatz. Warnung bei unvollständigen Angaben. Sie können Ihr Briefset individuell anpassen- was bedeutet, dass Sie Teile direkt vor dem Ausdruck per Mausklick zu- oder ausschalten können.Wenn Ihnen das Briefpapier teilweise ausgeht, die 1. Seite oder Folgeseiten fehlen so ist das kein Problem. Fuß 1. und Folgeseiten ist natürlich auch vorhanden. Auftragseingangsstatistik sowie Umsatzstatistik und offene Posten beherrscht die Software genauso wie eine Auftragsüberwachung, farblich hervorgehobene Schlüsseldaten. Auch vorhanden ist eine Kunden- Auftrags- Strukturanalyse mit der Möglichkeit eine Grafik in das Layout mit einzubinden. Monatsberichte oder Quartalszahlen - auch über mehrere Jahre sind mit integriert. Bei angelegten Artikeldaten ist die Angebots- bis Mahnungserstellung nur noch Minutensache. Geburtstage können Sie mit Bild und Ton in einer extra Datei oder Dateien verwalten wobei Sie im Hauptprogramm immer Zugriff haben. Die Adressverwaltung zeigt Ihnen an ob Sie versendbare Adressen haben oder ob Teile fehlen. Sie haben für die wichtigen Funktionen immer eine Hilfestellung per Meldungsfenster. Das Programm kann individuell auf Ihre Wünsche noch abgestimmt werden und ist ideal für Freelancer, Selbständige, Architekten..... Die Daten können in allen gängigen Formaten ex- und importiert werden, auch html. Eventuelle Vorschläge oder Zusatzprogramme sowie Beta Releases finden Sie auf meiner Homepage.
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Business & Productivity Tools
Personal Information Management
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Forte CRM Solo
Forte CRM Solo, the `complete electronic contact file`, is the first in our series of Forte CRM tools. Forte CRM Solo, is our free Forte CRM version, restricted to contact management. It includes many high-end features designed to help you manage and impr ...
Forte CRM Ltd | 23257 KB | Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 0 | Downloads: 734
Date added: Oct 25, 2007 |
DayBook is a visual, browser-based drag-and-drop time-tracking application for project-oriented professionals. It includes a report designer and customizable user options. Simply define projects and tasks, then drag tasks to the 24x7 activity grid to crea ...
Lakestone, Inc. | 578 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 30.00 | Downloads: 726
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Faltschachteln der gängigsten Macharten, mit versetzten Laschen, mit gegenüberliegenden Laschen, mit volldeckenden Laschen und mit Automatikboden lassen sich schnell auf den eigenen Maschinenpark optimieren und damit eventuell den Wettbewerb nicht besse ...
RS Software Roger Schlutius | 12266 KB | WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 0.00 | Downloads: 754
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Task Plus
Task Plus is a very graphical freeware task and 4-calendar scheduler designed for simplicity and speed. Unlimited number of personal tasks on the calendar with holidays and repeating events such as birthdays. 4 month calendar is color coded. Runs in syste ...
Contact Plus Corporation | 2187 KB | Windows | 0.00 | Downloads: 733
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Address & Phone Book Pro
Address and Phone Book, you can enter names and addresses including 4 phone numbers, Birthday, E-Mail Address, Fax Numbers and web page address. You can load photos in the book. Email client, web browser and word processor can be launched from within the ...
Barry Higgins | 8351 KB | Windows | 10 | Downloads: 784
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
WebAsyst Contact Manager
WebAsyst Contact Manager is a central part of all WebAsyst applications. Contact Manager is included into WebAsyst kernel and every WebAsyst product utilizes Contact Manager functions. Contact Manager allows you to centralize your business and private con ...
WebAsyst LLC | 12714 KB | Win98,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Unix,Linux | | Downloads: 710
Date added: Feb 11, 2007 |
Addraman Address Manager & Phone Dialler
An address book application in which you can store work and home addresses and telephone numbers for your contacts. It can dial phone numbers for you using your MODEM. Simple navigation allows you to quickly and easily locate addresses and a flexible sear ...
Correllan Computing Services | 677 KB | Windows | 24.95 | Downloads: 794
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Smartroster is the best new way to create personnel schedules for churches, non-profit and commercial organisations. First define your events and roles, add your people and specify when and how they wish to participate by nominating their events, roles, a ...
Davallia Technology | 5597 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 79.95 | Downloads: 711
Date added: Oct 25, 2007 |
AnyNotes is a powerful personal information manager (PIM) holding data in tree-like database of Folders and Notes. Store texts, images, Internet bookmarks and pages, links to files, OLE objects and attached files. Main features are: triple-paned interface ...
TaurSoft | 1488 KB | Windows | 25.00 | Downloads: 812
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Screen Calendar
Screen Calendar really allows you to put the calendar on your desktop wallpaper choosing the calendar size and transparency. Double-click a calendar to schedule your business day. To read your records fully, just move your mouse over the date cell. Also, ...
FeatherySoft | 2807 KB | Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 24.95 | Downloads: 675
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia 8310
Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia 8310 allows you to communicate with your Nokia 8310 GSM phone using PC. In this version connection is established via IrDA. You can read, edit, store, load and rewrite your phonebook, speed dials, import data from Microsoft ...
Oxygen Software | 2106 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP | 39 | Downloads: 472
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Are you a Firearms Instructor for your agency? CopGun is the perfect answer for you if you are looking for a powerful and easy way to enter and maintain firearms scores for your agency`s officers in a quick, accurate, and searchable database on any deskto ...
RAD Software | 1097 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 | 29 | Downloads: 805
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
LibMaster.com Simple Task list
LibMaster.com Simple Task list is a tool which helps to you to organize your working process. Now you can see a list of your tasks and time periods of their deadlines at any moment. You can to see all your tasks at one look and choose the most priority ta ...
LibMaster.com | 585 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows CE | 25 | Downloads: 703
Date added: Feb 11, 2007 |
Always On Time
Fast, simple-to-use calendar and task list to help you create reminders, alarms, and multiple to-do lists. Always On Time`s small graphical calendar features custom event icons and easy-to-use reminder options.Tasks, to-do`s, chores, shopping lists... Alw ...
BPS SoftWare Inc. | 1024 KB | Windows | 14.95 | Downloads: 743
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Up until now it was almost impossible to get a good overview of your co-worker calendars and appointments integrated with Outlook. GroupCalendar is an easy to install Outlook add-on, which solves that problem effectively and flexibly. In addition to allow ...
OpusFlow | 4782 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 70 | Downloads: 688
Date added: Feb 11, 2007 |
OrgScheduler LAN
A networking calendar/scheduling system. The easy way for any organization to have a networking calendar within minutes! Calendar management is implemented at two levels: manager and users. The each user maintains his own calendar, and Workgroup manager c ...
Binary-House Software | 8786 KB | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate | 49.95 | Downloads: 667
Date added: Feb 11, 2007 |
RedBox Organizer
Check out this incredible personal information manager that is more than your usual organizer. Equipped with the most professional personal management features, RedBox Organizer makes managing daily routine a breeze. User-friendly tools like Reminder, To- ...
inKline Global, Inc. | 7916 KB | Windows | 39.95 | Downloads: 674
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Sciral Consistency for Windows
Unlike calendars and to-do lists, Sciral Consistency is used for tasks that don`t have deadlines or rigid time intervals, must be performed regularly but not too frequently or infrequently, require minimal coordination with other people, and are not firml ...
Sciral | 340 KB | Windows | 25 | Downloads: 677
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Frigate TreeNote - is a versatile data manager, that`s flexible enough to accommodate any kind of data. The program has the look and feel of Windows Explorer. A plus sign beside a data node indicates that additional information is available on lower level ...
Alexander Buzaev | 1650 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000 | 19.90 | Downloads: 823
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
Outlook Task
Outlook Task, a Windows utility designed to create a set of tasks from the Outlook task folder. Do you ever get tired of your Task folder filling up with many records related to different projects or people? Can you afford the time to read all of these ta ...
AKS-Labs | 1144 KB | Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 | 40 | Downloads: 711
Date added: Sep 18, 2005 |
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